Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pics of new wagon and milk

Hello all! I thought I would be writing more in my blog but..there is only so much to say about milking a cow, I think. There is a lot of fluctuation in Abbey's production, I guess I thought it would be more predictable. One morning 2 gallons and that evening a couple of ounces! I am perplexed. Last night I got everything ready and went to the barn but after feeling her quarters decided not to milk because I just knew it would be another couple ouncer, that has happened twice. This morning I got a little over a gallon..hmmm. I will go out this evening and see how full she is.

Here are some pics of my milk, my new wagon and some scenery! God Bless!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Adam invited an orphan over for dinner AND breakfast before I caught on!

Tag is an orphaned calf that Al and I bottle raised and he has been hanging out with Abbey and Adam...UNTIL...Adam invited him to come to his "house"(or udder I should say!) to! I took care of that real quick. I feel sad for Tag though..he is in with a bunch of cows that he just doesn't "fit in" with..he just stands by himself and bawls...awww. I just couldn't have him taking all my milk though..he is a PIG! I only got a couple of oz. the evening that he must have drained her dry. I was in shock! I am going to try to move Tag in with another group that he may fit in with better as there are a bunch of calves in that group. I am getting approximately 1 1/2 gallons of milk a day now, give or take. Some days Abbey is really good and others not so good..I wouldn't say wild by any means or really bad but just a little more fidgety than others.
Went to town yesterday for my first check-in/drug test at ASAP yesterday. All went well...I will say again, I am VERY thankful and grateful for this opportunity to work on getting my license! And very grateful to God for my amazing husband!

I have a lot to get to today so...ta ta and God bless!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Production seems to be on the rise!

Good Morning all! This morning I had a record of 1 1/2 gallons! I have tried something new the last two times I have milked Abbey and I'm not sure if I should take credit for this but there does seem to be a correlation. I have been rubbing her belly softly and leaning my head on her. Usually she seems a little agitated the whole time she is in the stanchion but..since I have been rubbing her belly...she just stands there very still...not even! It is so ADORABLE! I really think it's time to order more jars and get the stuff I will need for making mozzarella. I knew when I carried the milk home it was heavier than it had ever been before. It is so exciting to come in the house and see what my "take" is for that milking! Awww..I sure do love my Abbey girl! She's the best!
Last night we had Thanksgiving with the neighbors. It was very pleasant! The food was great! I was a little concerned because I know that they both drink and the other guy they invited drinks as well. Fran(neighbor lady)says..I know you all don't drink but I hope you don't mind if I have some wine with dinner. I said "not at all!". I struggled with some thoughts about having some wine but golly it feels so good to know that I did not have any and had a great time!! Thank you Lord for the ever growing strength you are giving me! When I think of the sacrfice that Jesus made for us all, it seems a pretty small sacrifice to not drink. I am certainly not condemning any one who would take a drink but for is too many and a thousand is never enough!! I always try to tell myself in those situations that I could only have one but deep down I know better. Also, I'm sure Al would have been disappointed and tempted as well. He has about 10 years sobriety now :) Anyway, it was a great time and we really enjoyed ourselves and it was nice to not obsess about having a drink. I had a few mental struggles but it did not overwhelm me..AWESOME! It was also a blessing in disguise that I had told her a few days prior about some of my struggles with alcohol. That was just one more incentive not to drink. God is so awesome!
I took them some milk also and Tom actually had a glass with was great to see him drinking Abbey's milk :)

God is good..all the time! God Bless!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My knee is getting much better..

Sunday while we were moving the refrigerator I hurt my knee! I almost cried it hurt so bad! I limped around Sunday and Monday and am feeling much better today! Thank the good Lord! It was all swollen and bruised. I was just a klutz all day seemed like everything I tried to do caused a spill or some small catastrophe..all is well now though. Al helped me Sunday and Monday with the milking, which I was very grateful and thankful for! Once again..he is my knight in shining armor..hee hee!
I am getting a gallon of milk a day regularly now. I still say she is holding out though..she really doesn't seem to like the whole process too much at all but tolerates it rather well. Except yesterday evening she kicked up her leg and knocked off all the teat cups! I was not very happy with her about that! I cleaned up and proceeded to finish and she was fine. She seems to behave a little better when Adam is in the barn with us as well..I can't always get him to come in but it is nicer for all when he does! I suppose she will get used to it.
I am handling the problem with not being able to get the suction cups off by using the automatic shut-off valve on the claw...seems to work ok.
Looks like another cloudy, dreary day on the farm...I am ready for some sunshine!! :)
We didn't get much rain yesterday but it is very soupy out because we must have been already saturated from the previous rains..ugh.
We have decided to keep both refrigerators in the kitchen, we have room and it will be a lot handier for me.

I hope everyone has a GREAT day! God Bless!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The start of another wonderful week on the farm

There is really not a whole lot to report. I really think Abbey is being stingy and holding out on me She keeps looking back at me while I am milking her as if to say, "now that is ENOUGH!", it really seems to irritate her! Yesterday I got a record high of approximately 11/2 gallons, yippee! I have decided to stick with twice a day milking until I have to start my ASAP classes in a couple of months. Those will be in the evenings from about 5:30 to 7:30, I believe, and then another 3 hours there and back! I am not complaining though. There are some things in life you just have to do that you aren't real excited about. It's all good. Thank God for my husband! He is awesome! :)
I have cut my fingernails very, very short. I thought that may help in getting the suction cups off of Abbey's teats without causing her any discomfort whatsoever. I guess I just need practice because she still jumped a little today.
This morning I got a whopping 1/2 gallon, yippee! lol. I am just amazed at this milking machine! It is working like a dream and really is fairly easy to take care of and keep clean. I am going to order me a nice red wagon today(only because my husband thinks I should, lol ;) )it has a lot higher sides than the one I am using now and bigger tires. Looks real nice!

We are going to bring the new refrigerator down here today. Al brought the doors down Friday and I have them all cleaned up and ready to go. So now, we will have an extra fridge in the "mancave"(that's what Al calls it, lol!)I call it a garage! 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What a GREAT day! God is SO good!

Today went very well in court! Yippee! Hooray! I am so grateful for just the opportunity to work on getting my license back, I'm a little embarrassed to say this but I have not had a license for 16 years! Since I have began a relationship with Jesus, and changed my lifestyle I have come to learn and appreciate that a license is a PRIVILEGE and I am going to have to work hard to get them back and that is good. I am nervous and excited to think that I will actually be able to legally drive in about 6 months. I will be on probation for a year with ASAP(Alcohol Safety Awareness Program)and that is fine too. I will have to go to classes and NA/AA meetings's all good. I thank God for this chance! :)  I know I say this a lot but I am SO grateful for my husband..he is willing to cart me around for all this stuff I have to do in order to be able to drive again..not to mention all the money he is spending for it...I will not let God down or my wonderful husband. Thank you Lord for this opportunity! It is so nice to know that whenever they want to give me a random drug or alcohol test, I have no worries..when I was on probation in 2001-2004, I was always having to worry about passing..THANK GOD that life is behind me now! Once again I want to say I am so grateful to everyone involved and anyone who may have said a prayer for me today!
I was in a rush to milk when I got went ok except for this is the second time that I think I have hurt Abbey trying to take off the teat cups..YIKES! I am trying to do it the way Willie told me to...stick my finger in there to break the suction first but it doesn't seem to be working real good. Also it's hard to tell which teats are done because I know you don't want to leave them on if there is no milk coming out, I feel like a mechanic working under a! My only concern is causing harm or pain to Abbey..for the most part unless I hurt her..she is good as gold. I sit and rub her belly while the milker is doing it's thing. I am really thinking about going to once a day milking again. Tonight I only got 1/2 gallon. I will probably think about it some more..any suggestions are welcome :)

Gotta go get some rest, been go go going all day! Oh..I celebrated after court by buying myself some Ghirardelli, they were good!! Life is good. God is good. God Bless

Today's the Big Day!

At around 1:30 PM today I will find out what they say in court about proceeding with getting my license!! I'm a little nervous but trying not to be. I will just be glad when this is over! Lord, whatever the outcome, I will love, honor and serve you! No matter are in control.
Ugh..this morning was rainy and icky outside...DIRTY! Everything went off without a hitch today, except one little thing..I think I might have taken one of the teat cups off and hurt Abbey because she pulled her leg up like it hurt...sorry Abbey girl! :(  Adam came in today and I tied him up so he couldn't get around any of the milking equipment and do any damage ;)  I brushed them both because they were dripping wet. I really thought that this milker thing was going to be a LOT harder to get accustomed to but it has really been WONDERFUL!! Thank you Tammy and thank you Willie!!
The only thing I think I need to work on now as far as the milker is when one of the quarters is done, I think I need to be getting the plug in there quicker because they all end up falling off. I am concentrating so much on not pulling to hard or hurting Abbey that I'm not having that plug ready to go..but this's a big thumb's up!! I got just a tad under a gallon...I really thought I would be getting more but maybe it just takes time.
It's not going to be long before I am ready to tackle making mozzarella! I need to order the stuff I will need to make it.
I noticed the other day while cleaning a glass that I can usually fit my hand into that it was impossible to get in there and clean it! What's up with that?? Is that swelling or muscle...LOL!
I am so happy and grateful about my new adventures with Abbey..she is SO wonderful...I couldn't have dreamed of a better cow for a beginner milker!! OH..I almost forgot to mention..she has not pooed or peed in the stanchion for the last 3 days!!!!! Yippee, Hooray, Woot Woot!!! I am SO proud of her!
Well, I have to sign off and think about getting ready to go to Harrisonburg to court...hopefully I will come back this evening with good news!!
God Bless!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All is well!

It took me an hour an a half altogether this morning with the milking! Probably less than it took me hand milking! Once Abbey girl was a champ! I'm pretty sure God put her and I together...I love her! I only got a gallon again but..I suppose it will increase? It's good enough for now because I am just not ready to start making stuff with the milk yet...too tired and sore yet. A nice side benefit..losing weight!! Yippee! 4 pounds so far.
This morning I asked Al to just be there for moral support..awww..he is so sweet! :)   I only made one mistake..forgot to put the hose from the pump back onto the milker for! Took me a few minutes to figure out why the needle wasn't going up on the gauge, other than that, it went off without a hitch! Abbey really seems to enjoy the milker better than my hand milking, it must be gentler than I?? lol!
The only thing that is harder about milking with the electric milker is carrying more heavier stuff up to the barn, which really isn't that bad, I am using a little red wagon that my 3 things I need fit perfectly in! Then I just carry the pail. The transition from hand milking to electric has really been quite pleasant :)!  My main concern was how Abbey would react and she is WAY better behaved now and she gets done so quick she doesn't seem like she is ready to quit eating the yummy hay and leave. I have to practically pull her out. I know I already said this but it is so cool to watch the milk go through the tube into the it!
Well, tomorrow is the big day...going to find out if I will be able to go forward with getting my license. The only thing I have been a little concerned about is whether the natural HGH with 20% organic alcohol would show up on the urine they sent to the lab..two little squirts under the tongue 3 times a day. I am just praying that it is such a minute amount that it won't show up. If it did, there is no way they would believe that is what it was and honestly, I wouldn't blame them. I mean, I do have a history of alcohol abuse. God is good and he knows so I am just trusting that all is well :) !
God bless!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Electric Milker...

Wow..yesterday and today have been really busy! Most of yesterday, Al and I were trying to figure out the milker, putting it together, talking with Willie(the lady I bought it from)on the phone and I didn't sleep good at all last night..might have gotten a couple of hours of sleep. It was weird, I was tired but couldn't sleep. Well, this morning I was up early and out milking by hand and then Al and I had to go to his eye appt.(yikes! And he's been driving me around, he can't see very well!)then we came back home and got busy setting things up in the barn. At this point I was getting rather excited, I was so grateful and thankful to God for my husband...he is just AWESOME! He didn't really set it up the way I had originally wanted but I decided to let him make those decisions and I would work with it..even if I didn't like it too much..guess what? I LOVED it!! He did a perfect job! then we came back down to the house and I got the rest of the milker and other stuff I would need for milking. We went up at 4:00 and I was back in the house with milk in hand by 6, which I thought was AWESOME for using the milker for the first time.
I have to tell you, I feel so blessed to have Abbey, she was an absolute perfectly behaved young lady! She seemed not to mind any of it at all!! We had a few problems with the pressure and stuff only to find out it was operator! It will take me a while to get used to this new way of doing things but I have to say..I could not have asked for a better outcome for ours and Abbey's first time. I got twice the amount of milk but she must be holding out on me because I was shocked it was over so quick and I only got a gallon...Willie says that she will eventually let down when she hears the machine running but I gotta tell you..overall, it was really neat! Watching the milk come out of the milker like! To know that we had put it together and to see it work(after a problem of operator error here and there..hee hee!)it was really neat! Ok I am very sore and tired, I will try to get some pics up soon. It has just been so icky and muddy, you just want to get it done and get out of that slop! Ok..more later...God Bless!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow..I think it's been a while since I blogged!

Well, I haven't written anything on here for a while...I have been tired and sore. Abbey got mastitis in two quarters and I have been dealing with that. I feel confident that it has cleared up, Thank God! My friend said I caught it early, which was good.
I really don't know if I've "paid my dues" wonderful husband said I could get an electric milker so...I did! I suppose that will be a whole new routine to learn also but that is ok.
Still haven't got the other refrigerator down here, it has been way too muddy and rainy! Hopefully this week we will get that done, I sure do need it! I am also running out of containers to keep my milk in. I ordered 24 32 oz. jars thinking for some reason(don't laugh!)that 32 oz. was a half gallon..ha ha ha ha ha!! Woa..where is my brain! So..I have to get that ready to send back and exchange for 64 oz. bottles.
Everything seems to be going well with Abbey, sometimes she is better behaved than others at milking time. I have finally learned to milk with both hands, which seems to go a little faster. :)
I will try to get some more recent pics on here of Abbey and Adam, he is growing like a weed and very healthy and happy! Abbey is such a good momma!
I am going to sign off for now because I am still sore, hurts to! God Bless!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yikes! My milk looks grey now!

This mornings milking went super well, Abbey was so well behaved! It made everything a LOT easier! But..when I came in to strain my milk and put it in the fridge..I noticed that last nights milk was kind of an ugly brownish grey. I am just hoping that Abbey is ok.
I have go to VASAP appointment today, I am trying not to be nervous. I am trying to get my driving privileges re-instated and this is just one of the hoops you have to go through. The only part I really have a hard time with is you have to urinate in a cup while they watch you and I have "stage fright". I am just telling can do it, you can do it!! I will just be glad when this is out of the way. I will go to court on November 19th to find out if I can proceed with getting my license back.
I have to go get ready so..have a great day and...God Bless!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Once a Day Milking

I have decided to try to go to once a day milking..I think that will work out better for Abbey and for myself. I did not milk last night and this morning she came to the barn a lot easier and was better behaved. I got almost exactly a gallon today, I think a gallon a day is perfect for me right now. I will plan on separating the calf at night when the milk production goes down significantly. Sounds like a good plan to me! Things are really going well with my milking experience so far. I am well pleased with her overall...she is such a good momma! Adam seems to be a healthy, happy calf growing everyday! Not much to say Bless and have a great day!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

bad behavior

Well, this morning's milking was very frusterating! I am really trying to be patient but it is beginning to seem like Abbey is just being cantankerous. This morning she would not hold still for anything, she pooed and peed and I ended up only getting a little over a quart of milk in an hour and a half!! I'm all over it now but I hope tonight goes better. I am hoping when I get my hobble for her that will help a lot. We shall see..
I did successfully make cottage cheese today..yippee! That kind of made up for the bad is delicious! Thanks Tammy for the recipe. My next endeavor will be mozzarella cheese, my husband is looking forward to that.
Oh, I found out some great news Friday! My calf, Adam, who I thought would not be registrable with the American Miniature Jersey Association is! I can use him for breeding..I am VERY excited about that! I guess they changed the rules and broadened the requirements because of the scarcity of the breed..good for me! Thank you Lord. I love you Lord for changing my life in this drastic way...even when I get frustrated. I just love you, PERIOD!! What an awesome God that would love humanity SO much that you would come to this earth in flesh form to pay for our sins!
I observe God's true Sabbath, Saturday, and someone told me that I could not milk my cow on Saturday..well, I thought about and prayed and I know that we have a common sense God. No animals or people are supposed to do any hard labor on God's Holy Day but I would not consider that work for her, or for me. So..I decided the responsible thing to do would be to relieve her on Saturday. It's funny how people, even christians, think you are some kind of weirdo when you just obey what the Bible says. They say..that's Jewish or..that was "nailed to the cross". was not. Jesus observed the Sabbath all of his life, his disciples observed the Sabbath. It's funny(odd)to me that the only commandment we seem to forget is the only one that starts with "Remember"! Also, in Isaiah it says that we will observe the Sabbath when Jesus returns to rule over this earth. If you get rid of all preconceived ideas about the Sabbath and do a true open minded study on it in the Bible like I did, any one would come to the same conclusion. I am not perfect and I do not always do just as I am suppose to but..I do want to please God and OBEY God...even if that means going against the grain and having family members and friends think I am "off track". I don't call it legalism, I call it obedience.
Well, I guess I will get off my soap box now and go take a nap..God Bless! :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Things are getting better..

Well, I'm still sore but not too bad...or else I'm getting used to it, ha ha! One thing that really has me puzzled is I have to practically drag Abbey up to the barn for milking. Have I traumatized her?? I thought jersey cows were supposed to want to be milked. She seems to hate it! Maybe it's because she is sore..I feel real I am making her do something she hates. I hope this changes. I am going to try the Udderly EZ milker. I am hoping that will be easier on her teats than my hands. I don't know, we will see. Actually Al has said I can go ahead and order a surge milker but..I just don't feel like I have earned it. I will wait a while longer. I am getting about a half gallon of milk in the morning and close to a gallon at night. Which is a LOT to me! I really don't have enough room for all the milk right now. We have another refrigerator that we have to bring here to our house, so..that will help a lot. I also need to order a bunch of jars today. I only have 3 gallon ones and 2 half gallon ones right now and it's just not enough! The animals have been getting plenty of milk and they love it, though.
I am making cottage cheese so that will put to use about a gallon of it.
I got my trusty little cow stool glued back together again so it was nice to have that today. I am also thinking about trying to tie Abbey's legs, she does so much prancing it is hard to milk. I guess we will both get better in time. Overall, I think that things are going real well...better than I thought it would be going at this point. It seems like her back teats are extremely sore though and they are dark looks bad and makes me feel bad. The milker thing I am getting is supposed to be more of an even suction type thing. I hope she feels better soon.

Well, I have to go clean the milking area and get ready for another round tonight! God Bless.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hangin' in there...

Well, I am going on day 5 and still hanging in there but boy am I whooped!! I will try to get a more recent pic of the calf on here. Too bad I can only figure out how to put one pic on at a time. We were worried about Adam at first..never saw him nurse but I have finally seen him nurse, he must be real sneaky about! But, he is a happy, healthy calf! I will be glad when he starts drinking more of momma's milk...unless that means she will just make more!! Yikes! I can't wait until Al says I have "paid my dues" and gets me a surge milker!!
Well, 2 nights ago I was milking away and BOOM..all of a sudden I was on the ground. My milking stool broke in two! I had already had to glue it in two places before I used and thankfully those aren't the areas where it came unglued so, once I glue it this time, in the different area, it should be good, I hope!
I just can't believe the amount of milk Abbey has, it is crazy! What will I do with it all? Right now I am too tired to make ANYTHING with it so..I guess the animals will enjoy a lot of it. I'm pretty sure it is milk now and not colostrum but not totally sure. I saved some and will taste it and see.
Right now I am trying to be grateful for stuff and not get grumbly. Like "Thank you Lord that I have arms and legs that work." and stuff like that. This is good for me. I know it will get easier and I will enjoy it more some day...but right now I am just struggling to get through this. I love my husband so much. He has been so sweet and telling me he is proud of me and that really makes me feel good! Today on the phone with my mom and yesterday with my sister, they told me the same thing. It really helps to be encouraged like that.
Did I say that this is one of the HARDEST things I have ever done?? Well, if I did I'm saying it again! lol!
My fingers hurt so..I'm gonna go rest for a little while..God Bless!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Harder than I imagined!

I haven't written on here for a few days cuz I've been too tired! My neck is sore, my arms, my hands, my legs..this is going to take some getting used to! I have mastered the actual milking part and am getting some nice hard streams takes me a long time! Average of 2 hours per milking and I don't even think I'm coming close to getting it all! I am just doing the best that I can and pray that everything is ok. We have been worried about  Adam(the calf)because we had never seen him nurse at all! He seems ok, pretty spry and all but we just thought it strange that we had never seen him nurse. Well, this morning while I was milking he did nurse! I was so relieved! Not very long at all but at least I know he knows where it's at and he knows how, thank you Lord! When he was born, we used a beef cattle measuring tape to weigh him and it said like 73 lbs.! That seems like a lot so I don't know how accurate the tape was for a dairy calf. Maybe you have to weigh them differently, I don't know? This is going to be quite an interesting journey! I am hoping my husband will buy me an electric milker at some point in the future ;). I'm sure he will, he is such a great guy! He has been so supportive! This morning I was crying and feeling like a failure and he hugged me and held me and it just means the world to me! I love him so much and am so thankful for him, words just can't express! I am also very thankful for my friend Tammy, she has a LOT of good advice and encouragement. I really love Abbey and wouldn't trade her for the world but ideally I really would have rather had a cow that didn't give SO much milk but..maybe in the future when I get better at this I will be glad about it. We shall see. Right now it is still colostrum so we are not drinking that. I am giving some to the other animals and freezing some for future use as Tammy suggested. Abbey is getting better about not moving around so much when I milk, which is very helpful. I was pretty proud of myself the other day when I looked up and saw she was getting ready to pooh and I ran over and got the shovel and almost caught all of it! Yippee! I don't like the peeing and pooping while I am milking. I hope that will get better. Well, I am tired so that's all from me for now. God bless!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's a boy..

Well, I must confess..I am just a little disappointed that Abbey had a boy but I still love him. He is very cute! We have named him Adam. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I have been so stressed out! I am so afraid I am going to do something wrong to hurt Abbey or the calf! She loves the calf to pieces but is not letting it nurse, or at least last night she wouldn't. I put Abbey in the stanchion last night and tried to get the little guy to suck, he got a little bit but couldn't seem to latch on real well. Then I tried to milk some colostrum from Abbey and couldn't manage that either! So I used a teat drainer...I hope that was ok. I really don't know. But I figured it was better to get some colostrum in the calf than worry about that at the time. Adam drank a half gallon. So this morning I went out with my pail and wipes and bottle and the trusty teat drainer(in case I wasn't able to milk it out by hand). I tried milking her and couldn't. My husband tried and she eventually ended up putting her hoof right in the pail so...we moved on to plan B. I used the teat drainer and held the bottle right up there to catch it. Tried to feed Adam but he didn't want any at all! So, I am hoping that means that she let him nurse last night. He seemed very spry this morning, was up and running around. I am learning as I go and I am thankful for my friend Tammy who I can call and ask questions! Everything seems to be ok as far as Abbey and the calf being healthy. Like Al said..give it hasn't even been 24 hours yet! But, I guess I thought the actual milking part would be easier. Abbey doesn't like it, I don't know if it hurts her or what. She doesn't seem to mind the teat drainer as much as me trying to milk her by hand. Something that kind of shocked me was I had some of her colostrum in the pail and she was drinking it!! I wasn't expecting that and I hope it is ok. It's like dark pink, which would have freaked me out had Tammy not told me that could happen. Looks like strawberry milk, lol! I thank God for my husband's support, he is SO wonderful! I was a real turd to him last night and he was so sweet the whole time. Of course I apologized but..boy did I feel bad about it! He didn't deserve that! So..things aren't going smooth at all yet. This should be interesting to look back on once I learn more of what I am doing. I knew this would be hard and stressful but I didn't even realize how much! This will be a great opportunity to work on patience and milking skills(of which I have NONE!). God bless.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Stanchion

Well..Al and I worked on the stanchion Friday and got quite a bit done! It might work just the way it is actually..depending on how still my girl will stand but doesn't seem to mind her head in between the boards too much at all, I was surprised. I feel like we are just about ready for this little calf (heifer, I hope!) to come! Her name will be Abilene! We do need to bring the other refrigerator down from Al's dad's house still, will probably get that done this week. I have no idea how much milk I will get at all but I am pretty sure that our one fridge here at the house won't hold it all. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still no calf...

Well, I guess I was wrong...I told you I was new at all of this. I talked to a trusted friend and sent her some pics of Abbey and she says probably a couple of weeks, I was getting a little over excited! Probably won't be much else to report until the calf comes. I guess I will just have more time to prepare now!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pic of Abbey

My pretty Abbey girl

Abbey will be calving soon..

I am so excited to know that Abbey will be calving probably today or tomorrow! She is showing all the signs that I've read about so it won't be long now...I will keep you updated. That is really all I have for now! I really hope we have a heifer but I will just be happy for a healthy calf.
I have never done anything like this before in my life should be interesting, lol!