Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm back...

Hello everybody! I have changed the name of my blog so that I feel like I can blog about all the great things that happen on the farm here!
Let's see, what's been going on since I've last posted? Adam will be 5 months old on March 31st, he is still nursing on his momma, I have been pretty much separating Abbey every other day since January to get milk. I plan on weaning him on April 1st. He has changed in looks so much I can't believe it! I will post comparison pics.
I found out about a month ago that Praline, our little Nigerian Dwarf goat is pregnant so..I am pretty excited about that! Her little udder is getting full, it is so cute! I can't wait to see the little "kids".
We have lost one of our miniature silky fainting goats and Kem our doberman, they are sadly missed. :(
My classes for getting my license back are going great, I would say I am about halfway done with all of it. Woot Woot! I can't even imagine what it will be like to drive! I am very excited! Will keep you posted on that.
I will also be adding 6 Rhode Island Red chickens and a Rooster to the mix! I am very excited about that too!
Just need to get an area ready for them and then I will be going to get them. My very own free range!
Hmmm...that's all I can think of right now, it's good to be!