Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Being thankful to my Heavenly Father even when things aren't going so well...

I will choose to Bless Yahweh's name in good times and not so good. Not much good to report to today except one thing and it's the MOST important thing of all, I can do nothing good of myself(my flesh), only through Yahshua's shed blood am I made righteous and good. Thank you, thank you thank you Abba Father! :)
First thing this morning when I got up...Al was very sick, about 4 am.. he vomited for about 2 1/2 hours solid almost! He ended up having his dad take him to the emergency room, which I am ashamed to say, I did not support too much..only for the reason that Al and I come from addiction in our past..enough said on that. He is resting now and by some miracle of Yahweh there was a prescription for an addictive narcotic painkiller that did not get filled. His "diagnosis" from those "caring" emergency room docs was "acute gastritis". Please don't think that I think badly of all doctors and hospitals, I don't...they save lives in a LOT of instances but..there is also like with most other things in life, a bad side to them. I just don't see where you need a strong painkiller like Lortabs for "acute gastritis"(they really don't know what it is but that is a nice general malady for his symptoms). Lortabs are serious stuff..if you are curious, just Google Lortabs and addiction.
Sooooo, I feel very grateful that his dad somehow overlooked that one!
I also found out today that my Abbey is very thin...and I didn't even know it! I thought jersey's were just kind of bony like that. I just feel awful! I am realizing that loving and keeping animals is a learning process as you go but..unfortunately my precious Abbey has to pay for my ignorance. I have a few wonderful people that are advising me and are going to try to help me get her back on track. Now that I know and I look at her, I am seeing it but, it just didn't dawn on me at all before it was brought to my attention. I can't imagine how ignorant that sounds but, it's true. I guess when a jersey is in lactation(making milk)it takes a LOT out of her..everything she eats goes to making milk so if you aren't real careful about their diet..things can go downhill fast! On top of that, Adam got back in with her the other day and it's like we are starting all over again with the weaning, they are bawling for each other, she is holding milk back(she gave me 7 quarts this morning and 3 tonight!), trying to kick the suction cups off like she did when he first got taken away.
On a more positive note, I am thankful for everything that happens in my life, good and bad. The bad stuff only helps me know just exactly how much I need my Heavenly Father.. everyday for EVERYTHING!
Sorry for all the bad news but I know things will get better..Al is already much better!
Nighty night.. :)                               I love you so much, AL!!!

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